My Initial Idea

An organisation called "Women in Tech" surveyed over 1,000 women in September 2019 who work in the technology sector about their opinions and thoughts on the gender gap, "82% believe there are more males in tech than females" (Women in Tech, 2019). For me personally, starting out as a Junior Develop this summer I felt this too. I attended an assessment centre with 8 candidates 6 were boys and there was only 1 other girl besides myself. "Innovation is about seeing the world not as it is, but as it could be" (Design Innovation, 2018) this quote is something I took away from the lecture in week one. We need to see an increase of women in the tech industry and girls coding from a younger age as it is shouldn't just be seen as a boys club.

To initiate my project analysis, I found a website called "Women in Tech" which is a site dedicated to women who are already in or looking to join the tech sector. The site provides career advice, jobs, a list of employers and events/mentoring schemes. There is a tab for case studies this includes interviews that have been conducted with women in the industry from a range of different companies and their backgrounds, experiences, and views on women in the tech industry. 

Women in Tech Website
The gender gap

"The gender gap is the difference between the number of women and men that are reflected in social, political, cultural or economic skills or attitudes" (Women in Tech, 2019). It is evident that the gender gap is an issue in technology and although it is something companies are aware of and showing commitment to increase the number of women in their tech team. It is something that can't be solved overnight. Women may feel like they are being overlooked in meetings, their ideas dismissed and they aren't being taken seriously. "This may be a contributing factor as to why the quit rate in technology is more than twice as high for women (47%) than it is for men (17%)" (Women in Tech, 2019). 

This issue is one I want to change in my project.

My aim is to create a digital media project that allows women/girls to learn code in a more personalised and interactive way. It could be done through a website, an app and could incorporate AR. For now, I am unsure of what medium I want to use but I am leaning more towards a mobile app. I have a strong passion for this subject therefore I am determined to help promote and encourage women/girls to get into tech. To expand this idea, it would be beneficial to research other competitors and analyse them and also some idea generation techniques to put them into practice. 


Design Innovation. 2018. Design innovation is about seeing the world not as it is, but as it could be. [Online]. [Accessed 2nd October 2019]. Available from:

Women in Tech. 2019. Survey Report. [Online]. [Acessessed 2nd October 2019]. Available from:  

Women in Tech. 2019. Why are they so few women in tech? [Online]. [Accessed 2nd October 2019]. Available from: 
