Project Planning

Gantt Chart 

A Gantt chart is a type of bar chart that was developed by Henry Gantt in the 1910s that illustrates a project schedule. “Gantt charts have seen a revival in their popularity. They provide a quick and easily understood means for describing project activities and this attraction has stimulated their use in microcomputer-based project management packages” (Wilson, 2003, p.435). Gantt charts allow to track the progress of your project and are flexible and responsive tot eh changes in your project. Also, they can produce reports such as budgets and prevent conflicts that are easy to overlook. On the other hand, they are time-consuming to create and can become overly complex. They require constant updating and the software may not be appealing to creatives. For my project, I am going to use ProjectLibre which is a free and open-source project management software system that intends to be a standalone replacement for Microsoft Project. 

Project Libre Logo

Asana is a web and mobile application designed to help individuals/teams organise, track and manage their work. This is something I use in Industry in my part-time job as a Junior Developer, therefore as I am familiar with this software and find it really useful to manage a project I am going to use it with the Gantt chart in order to manage my project. 

Asana Logo

In Asana you can create your own tasks and put them into columns e.g to do, in progress and done. It helps to separate tasks into smaller manageable segments. It helps to stay on track and think about all the cards you need to get done, you can set due dates on them and a description of what needs to be done. However, the Asana board needs constant updating and new tasks need to be added and moved when in progress or completed. I am using this as well as a Gantt chart as it helps to focus in on the individual tasks and the Gantt is best for the overview of the whole project. Below is my current Asana board. 

Asana Board


Dustin Moskovitz and Justin Rosenstein. 2008. Asana. (2019) [Software]. [Accessed 23rd October 2019]. 

Marc O'Brien, Laurent Chrettieneau. 2012. ProjectLibre. (2019) [Software]. [Accessed 23rd October 2019]. 

Wilson, J.M. 2003. Gantt charts: A centenary appreciation. European Journal of Operational Research. 149(2),pp.430–437. 
