Theoretical Issues and Debates

It is important to look into the theoretical issues and debates as my project decisions should be informed by research and contextualised by relevant debates and issues. Therefore, I began researching into these issues and debates for my project. 

Gender inequality 

Gender inequality acknowledges that men and women are not equal, and that gender affects a person's living experience. Following on from the previous blog post of my earlier research on the gender gap it is evident that there is gender inequality in the workplace. "Men and women must receive equal treatment. This includes equal pay and benefits, equal consideration of needs and equal opportunities for progress and promotion" (Bright HR, 2019). This could be a factor of why there are so few women in tech. Furthermore, there are laws that protect gender equality in the UK the primary one being the Equality Act 2010 (section 13). Gender equality laws in the UK also include the Sex Discrimination Act of 1975 and the Equal pay Act of 1970. There’s also the Employment Rights Act 1996. These acts and laws ensure that gender is not a boundary when in the workplace. 

Are apps useful for eLearning 

There is a debate around whether eLearning apps are useful methods of learning and teaching. One example could be that some apps are ‘gamified’ so that the majority of the time spent on the app is devoted towards storylines, character development or unlocking badges rather than learning the objective itself. However, “the best and most useful advantage of using educational app development for online learning is anytime and anywhere learning” (Customer Think, 2018). This quote backs up the reason why I have chosen to do my project as an eLearning mobile application, the fact users can use it on breaks and commutes and pick back up where they left on doing bits of code little and often a day. 

Male-dominated field 

The field is already male-dominated, in the Guardian article it shows that Facebook allows the targeting of job ads by gender this results in discrimination in online job advertisements for traditionally male-dominated jobs. “Today, jobs in computing, if advertised on Facebook, would probably be targeted to men because these jobs are located in an already male-dominated field” (The Guardian, 2018). This makes it hard for women to get into the sector and this is why my app is so important as it is focusing on overcoming these issues. 


Bright HR. 2019. Gender inequality at work. [Online]. [Accessed 28th October 2019]. 

Customer Think. 2018. Importance of mobile apps in online learning. [Online]. [Accessed 29th October 2019]. Available from:

The Guardian. 2018. Why tech’s gender problem is nothing new. [Online]. [Accessed 30th October 2019]. Available from:
