
Showing posts from November, 2019

Survey Results

  User Research Part 2 I was quite surprised by the number of participants who didn't know enough about the gender pay gap (52.5%), followed by 40% saying yes there is a gender pay gap in the tech sector and 7.5% saying no.  From my survey, it was particularly prevalent to me that is nearly half of the participants have experienced gender bias or discrimination in the workplace/education: 47.5% yes and 52.5% no. Participants answered what features they expect to see on the app and which feature they would find most useful.  Top 5 expectations on what to include in the app:  1. Coding Challenges 2. Coding Tips and Articles  3. Profile to track code progress 4. Being able to unlock challenges and earn rewards  5. Forum I compared my survey results with the survey report from Women in Tech, this survey was linked in an email from Sarah Wood who is the Digital Marketing Executive at Women in Tech. They surveyed  over 1,000 women who work in the technology sector about their

Primary Research

User Research Part 1  One of the weaknesses of the concept critique was my target audience and trying to get to know the audience as much as possible. Therefore, I have decided to undertake primary research in the form of an online survey. "Surveys are an ideal form of primary research if you want to target a large group of people. If you need significant data and want to poll a sizeable group, then this is an ideal option" (Survicate, 2019). I created a survey on Google Forms to gather this research. I posted this survey on LinkedIn and other forms of social media to gain responses, I got a total of 40 responses. I divided my survey into two parts, the first section asked questions on the gender gap in tech and the second section asked questions about the app I will be making and the features specifically.  I acknowledge that I can withdraw my answers at any point, and if I have any questions, I can contact the researcher via their email address:

Women in Tech

I attended the Women in Tech media futures events held on the university campus on Tuesday 12th November. There was a panel of 6 women with roles in PR, content, telecommunications, UX designer, project management. I took notes from the panel and discussion talk. Uni of Leeds media futures webpage ·     Male-dominated in the workplace, “not enough women in our company” ·     Technology was so out of my league and seen as a boys club ·     Every company has a certain element of tech  ·     1 panel member works with 6 men as is the only engineer ·     Women can approach the task with fresh pairs of eyes and sometimes men get consumed in the programming  ·     Not many women in health and safety  ·     PR more female-dominated but the higher up you get it tends to be men  ·     Men can find it easier to apply for bigger roles, women feel more intimidated and have less confidence  ·

Concept Critique Feedback

Strengths Aims and objectives clear and relevant  Good content on slides Good references and research Areas for improvement Name for project  Try to look at the audience as much as possible  There were some issues with timing  This is the feedback I got after I presented the concept critique. We completed a SWOT analysis of our own project idea to bring to the session and we also did a group SWOT analysis of each student's project ideas after they presented. This was good in order to get critical feedback, thoughts, and ideas on our project idea and made me think more carefully about my idea.  SWOT Analysis of my idea Strengths /Weaknesses  The strengths were that I am working with an external organisation 'Women in Tech' who have linked me with a mentor to help give advice, information and share their research in order to support my project. Also, I am targeting current issues as still today there are fewer women in tech and I have also con