Concept Critique Feedback


  • Aims and objectives clear and relevant 
  • Good content on slides
  • Good references and research
Areas for improvement
  • Name for project 
  • Try to look at the audience as much as possible 
  • There were some issues with timing 
This is the feedback I got after I presented the concept critique. We completed a SWOT analysis of our own project idea to bring to the session and we also did a group SWOT analysis of each student's project ideas after they presented. This was good in order to get critical feedback, thoughts, and ideas on our project idea and made me think more carefully about my idea. 

SWOT Analysis of my idea


The strengths were that I am working with an external organisation 'Women in Tech' who have linked me with a mentor to help give advice, information and share their research in order to support my project. Also, I am targeting current issues as still today there are fewer women in tech and I have also considered elements I want to incorporate into the app i.e reminders/alerts, personalisation and accessibility. 

The weaknesses were that I need to try to look at the audience as much as possible, my supervisor suggested in our first meeting that I try to go to one of the events and free workshops to get to know my target audience, why are they there and why do they want to learn to code. Moreover, my supervisor also suggested making a survey to hand out and maybe speaking to the uni of Leeds computing department to see how many girls are on the course compared to boys. 


The opportunities were it has expandability and I could bolt onto a company. Also, it doesn't just have to be for beginnings, I could expand the app to have a wider target audience. Furthermore, to build a community of women coders and a space where women can share stories, experiences and ask any questions. The threats were the amount of work and the features going into the app, I am going to focus on the key features and add any additional features if I have time and feel like they will enhance the app further. 

Student/Supervisor Feedback 

During the presentations we had an opportunity to give feedback, it was good to have a range of opinions to make my project the best it can be. Much of the feedback was positive saying it was interactive, pro-women relating to the job sector and unique idea. However, I also received some good critical feedback. 

1. Target audience is very niche

The reason why my project is targeting a niche audience is that I want to encourage women to get into the tech industry therefore this app will focus on the basics and act as an intro to coding. I want this app to encourage women who have never done coding before to have a go, therefore, it could expand the audience if they are inspired by this app. 

2. Lack of uptake 

This is something I have thought about as there are many templates and plugins, so why bother to learn code? The skill to be able to code helps you get into the tech industry and the women I want to target already have an interest in getting into the industry. This tool enables them to learn code in a more personalised and interactive way. 

3. Competing with colleges/sixth forms 

I have done 3 competitors analysis however it will be beneficial to look into if colleges and sixth forms are using any tools to help students learn to code. However, this may be seen as an opportunity as my app could inspire female students to take on computer courses and increase the number of girls learning to code in classrooms. 

This feedback was useful to help me think about areas of my project I may need to do more research in. It has made me feel more confident about my project too. 
