Brand Designs Part 2

Following on from last week's blog, the app will have an app navigation bar at the bottom of each page so the users are able to easily navigate through the application. A home Icon so users can always return back to the home page. The learn icon leads users to tips and articles about coding and the discuss icon leads to the forum where users can comment and take part in the community. Events are for searching and filtering upcoming events in your area. Notifications are for users to receive daily coding reminders and alerts. There is a settings icon in the top right corner to adjust any preferences and accessibility features. Also, there is the profile icon in the top left corner of the page to access your profile to be able to track coding progress.
The home page features coding challenges that have to be unlocked in order to move onto the next level, the squares have been reduced in opacity to show that those sections are greyed out and need unlocking. The HTML Basics is just one of the sections users can complete. Users can scroll down to find the CSS section and the JavaScript section. Each section includes 5 challenges that they can earn rewards and unlock the following challenges. 

The profile page allows users to track their coding progress and edit features personal to them. The user's score will be displayed relating to the progress they have made in the challenges. This feature will update automatically. There is a rewards earned section, as this was number 4 on the top 5 expectations gathered from the survey results. This is to fulfil the personalisation key selling point. 

Users are able to upload a profile picture to their profile, this can be found when scrolling down past rewards earned and selecting the upload image button. Users are able to change password, this will ensure security. Users are able to delete their account at any given time and all data gathered will be permanently deleted. All the designs have been constructed with the key selling point in mind which will be discussed in detail in next week’s blog. 

I have created wireframes for three pages Learn, Events and Forum. The Learn page will display tips and articles related to coding so users can come to this page and learn more coding through the resources provided. This fits within the educational key selling point. 

The events page will allow users to search and filter events in their area. This will help fulfil the community key selling point as well as the interactive key selling point.

The Forum page will allow users to post comments, like, reply and delete comments. This allows for interaction and community


  • Streaks for completing challenges 
  • Different entry levels 
  • Being able to code with friends/as a group 
  • Job opportunities section of the app 

Ideally, I would like to go beyond the proposed designs and include all of the suggested features from the questionnaire. However, due to practical considerations regarding timing, unfortunately, it would not be possible to achieve as this would be a very complex app to completed within the time scale.

I would like to highlight that this project has the utmost potential for future expansion. If successful, this app could be expanded to include streaks for completing challenges. Furthermore, it could offer a job opportunities section to help users find a job in the tech sector. There is an opportunity for further collaborations and sponsors.

Moreover, different entry levels for beginners, intermediate so the app can be more accessible as it won’t just focus on the basics of coding. Also, being able to code with friends or as part of a group to bring a stronger focus on the app creating a community.

Nonetheless, further research will be conducted to expose more specific details about desired features for Codability; my current plan is limited since it is based only on one questionnaire, from a relatively small sample. Additionally, I would like to employ user research to uncover how to make the app worthy of use and competitive in the market.
