Competitor Statistics Analysis

I researched into the app statistics of my competitors, for this I used a website called "Apptrace" which is a service that provides data about apps performance in the market. It shows all the details about apps downloaded in an app database. 


Released: 23-10-2017
Age: 2 Years 
Overall Rating: 39 631
Stars: 4.8 
Available in: 154 Countries
Global Rank: #4464

Join millions of other coders for any time anywhere access to countless coding topics and assignments. Write and run real code on iOS’s #1 mobile code editor, get inspired through real-life code samples, and engage in interactive community conversations along the way. 

Facebook FbStart’s App of the Year 2017 


Released: 21-08-2016
Age: 3 Years 
Overall Rating: 17 431
Stars: 4.8 
Available in: 155 Countries
Global Rank: #1506

Mimo creates your personalized learning path of bite-size exercises that fit into your daily routine and keep you motivated.

You can code, too: join more than 6 million coders and get programming!

Codecademy Go 

Released: 31-07-2018
Age: 1 Year
Overall Rating: 8948
Stars: 4.8 
Available in: 155 Countries
Global Rank: #41886

Codecademy Go helps you review and practice what you learn on the web, anywhere, anytime. Learn to code the easy way.

“Taking a few minutes a day to reinforce the underlying concepts has been an easy way to remember them, even on days when I’m not coding.” — Chance N., Codecademy Go Learner

Key Selling Points of my app 

1. Educational
The app will provide challenges, tips, and articles to help users develop knowledge and understanding of code.

2. Interactive
It will include interactive features such as a forum, being able to unlock challenges and earn rewards and search for coding events in the area.

3. Personalisation
Users will have their own profile to track code progress and have the option to enable notifications.

4. Community
It will enable to create a community of women coders, make connections and links to attend upcoming events.

5. Accessibility
As it is a mobile app it can be accessed 24/7 wherever the users may be, so they can use their breaks and commutes to learn code on the go.

On reflection, the competitor statistics analysis has made me think about the key selling points of my own application. The key selling points will increase the statistics of my app on the app stores. 


Apptrace. 2019. Love your stats! [Online]. [Accessed 24th December 2019]. Available from: 
