Feedback from UX Designer

In order to develop my project so it can be the best, it can be it is important to gain feedback from professionals and potential users of the Codability App. Therefore, I contacted a UX Designer within my network Alex Edwards. She gave me some insightful feedback and things to think about going forward.  

1. Revisit the logo this something I have now revisited from the pitch document feedback and need to update on the application. Alex brought up a good point that the logo looks clickable and the users I am trying to target could have a similar experience. 

2. Accessibility this is something I definitely wanted my app to have covered which I plan to revisit once the app has progressed further. The colour contrast on the events page needs to be changed so it doesn't make it difficult for the user to read the text.

3. The presentation of my JPGs - this is helpful when it comes to the final presentation and submission of work.

Alex also pointed out my URL which has now changed for HTTP to HTTPS from overcoming the content security policy issues which has made the site secure.

All comments made from the feedback will be addressed going forward. 
