
Feminism is the belief in the equality of the sexes and the advocacy of women's rights. They believe in ideologies such as equal pay, reducing the gender gap in tech, have the same rights and opportunities as men. 

The Feminist Movement

The Feminist Movement refers to political campaigns and movements among nations and communities which fight for women's suffrage, sexual harassment, reproductive rights, maternity leave, and equal pay. Feminism in the Western World has undergone three waves. The first wave occurred in the 19th and early 20th century, it promoted equal rights to vote and the property rights for women and the granted of women's voting rights. The second wave occurred in the 1960s-1980s and focused on issues on equality, power, and discrimination. The third wave occurred in the 1990s and continues to build upon the work and continue the fight. "This wave is about acceptance and a true understanding of the term 'feminism'" (Progressive Women's Leadership, 2018).

He for She Campaign 

He for She is a solidarity campaign for the advancement of gender equality by the United Nations (UN). The goal is to achieve equality by encouraging both genders to take action against negative stereotypes and behaviours. "Millions of people around the world are now part of the United Nations global solitary movement for gender equality. Get inspired by their stories and take action" (He For She, 2019). The hashtag #HeForShe is to get the conversation going and encourage people to join the global movement. 

Be a Lady, they said 

A recent video called "Be a Lady, they said" has been posted by girl girls girls mag and has gone viral which stars Cynthia Nixon and has struck a chord with so many people around the world. The video showcases all the comments and expectations thrown at women every day. It highlights the impossible standards and conflicting messages that are bombarded at girls and women on a daily basis. "Be a size 0, be a double 0, be nothing, be less than nothing" and "wear make-up, highlight your cheekbones, line your lips" these are overwhelming pressures for women (Girls girls girls mag, 2020). 

These examples and theory are very relevant to my project as it grounds the problems my project wants to overcome. By looking at the approaches and responses to the problems has inspired me to posts quotes and shocking facts on the Codability social media in order to motivate my users to make a change. 


Girls girls girls mag. 2020. Be a lady, they said. [Online]. [Accessed 24th February 2020]. Available from: https://girlsgirlsgirlsmag.com 

He For She. 2019. Join the global movement. [Online]. [Accessed 24th February 2020]. Available from: https://www.heforshe.org/en

Progressive Women's Leadership. 2018. A brief history: The four waves of feminism. [Online] [Accessed 24th February 2020]. Available from: https://www.progressivewomensleadership.com/a-brief-history-the-four-waves-of-feminism/  
