Phase 1 User Testing


To ensure my product is on the right track and is meeting the aims and objectives, I have conducted phase 1 of user testing to gain feedback from my potential users and to see how users respond to the application so far. I therefore conducted a short survey of 5 question with 3 users. 

User Feedback 

User 1:

Q1. How engaging do you find the app?

The sections are all clear in the navigation, I love the colour palette and coding quizzes. 

Q2. Do you think the content/functionality is clear and relevant? 

Yes, I especially love the discuss page to talk to other coders and the learn page for relevant coding content. 

Q3. What are you thoughts on the interface design?

The design is bright clear and engaging. The text is small on the forum makes it hard to read.

Q4. Is there any improvements to the app you would like to make?

I think just make the text size bigger on the discuss page. 

Q5. Any additional comments would be appreciated. 

I think this app is a really good idea to get women into tech and have events they can attend to build their confidence and connections. Looking forward to seeing the app!

User 2:

Q1. How engaging do you find the app?

I love the functionality and interactive features. 

Q2. Do you think the content/functionality is clear and relevant? 

Yes, I love the coding quizzes questions and that you are able to see and track your progress with these. 

Q3. What are you thoughts on the interface design?

It would be nice to see more triangles branding in the app as I associate this shape with Codability from the social media marketing. 

Q4. Is there any improvements to the app you would like to make?

I answered the A/B testing on instagram, so adding the new logo to the app.

Q5. Any additional comments would be appreciated. 

User 3: 

Q1. How engaging do you find the app?

Very! The personalisation is great. 

Q2. Do you think the content/functionality is clear and relevant? 

Definitely, easy to understand and you clearly know what is clickable and what features are available. 

Q3. What are you thoughts on the interface design?

I love the use of icons and the balance between text and images is just right. 

Q4. Is there any improvements to the app you would like to make?

It would be good to interact with comments on the discuss page e.g liking and rating comments. 

Q5. Any additional comments would be appreciated. 

It would be nice to have the social media links in there and in a place where they are easily accessible. 

This was all responses from the short survey. The feedback is generally positive with some good suggestions to work on. 


In conclusion, it has been extremely helpful to conduct the first phase of testing. It has outlined the positives and negatives with my project and allowed me to get a better understanding as to what work well with the target audience. This is the first time showing users the app therefore it was still a working prototype so not all features have been coded and completed. My users were aware of this and all features that were done were hard coded for the testing. I will use to the feedback to further advance my project before the second phase of user testing. 
