Social Media

Social Media is an effective way of marketing and advertising the app to my target audience. I conducted a poll to find out what social media platforms my target audience use the most and looked at what platforms Women In Tech are already using for engagement. The platforms I will be using are Instagram, Facebook and Twitter to market the app. I set up the social media on the of 25th January in order to do some teaser marketing and to promote the name "Codability" before the app launches as more people will search to app/play store, therefore, increasing the number of downloads and users. 

I post on social media daily and weekly to engage and interact with the audience. After doing some research into social media in particular hashtag I found the trend and hashtag #100DaysOfCode. 

There are two main rules to the challenge 

1. Code minimum an hour every day for the next 100 days

2. Post and share your progress every day with the hashtag #100DaysOfCode

"Important: Encourage others who are doing the same challenge on Twitter or elsewhere - by giving them props when they are posting updates on their progress, supporting them when things get difficult. Thus we will grow a community that is helpful and effective, which will lead to a higher success rate for each person involved" (#100DaysOfCode, 2020). 

 I post using relevant hashtags a number of coding challenges, questions, tips, quotes, and facts for users and followers. I also aim to create a community of women coders through the social media pages. 

Moreover, I also create mini animations to capture the user's attention. The design remains consistent throughout with the same typography and colour palette being used to maintain the brand identity and consistency. 

Increasing engagement with potential users and community

I have posted in the Women in IT and Tech LinkedIn Group in order to promote Codability and get the community to support and engage with Codability. 


#100DaysOfCode Official Website. 2020. The official website for the challenge. [Online]. [Accessed 3rd February 2020]. Available from:
