An Application Programme Interface (API) is a set of routines, protocols, and tools for building software applications. It allows for two applications to talk to one another, the API is the messenger is this process that delivers a request and delivers the response back to you. 

The Codability App will be using API's to collect data from external websites to populate my content. I will then adapt and change to suite the style of my brand and fit the purpose. For example, the events search of the app allows users to search and filter events in their area however I only want to display coding events in the area. I chose this method as it is dynamic and has the most current information which is automatically updated. 

One issue I had to tackle was a Content Security Policy (CSP) error that was appearing in the console and restricting features from working. Content Security Policy is an added layer of security that helps to detect code injections attacks and mitigate malicious content and prevent Cross Site Scripting (XSS).  Also, it ensures the connect is secure and has a lock icon on the tab to show the website can be trusted. I began further research to overcome this issue and found that I needed to change my CSP meta tag in my header of my HTML pages. 

I have learnt a lot about Content Security Policy and this knowledge helped to understand more about HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure) and security online. I now have to include HTTPS rather than HTTP to load external URLs and as I am working with jQuery I had to make sure all URLs in the AJAX calls and URLs to image followed the same format. 

I began further research into APIs and found a list of free open source APIs with documentation. 
