History of Women In Technology

The history of girls coming into tech is very relevant for my project as this is something that is still ongoing. In the book "Girls coming to tech!", it shows the gendered history and until relatively recently prevented women from finding a comfortable position in a male technical world. Throughout the 19th and most of the 20th centuries, technology was seen and treated as mens' territory. By the 1950s, "women still made up less than 1% of students in the U.S college and university engineering programs" (Bix, 2013, p1). And over 60 years later, "women earned 18.4% of engineering bachelors degrees and the female faculty members held 13.8% in engineering departments" (Bix, 2013, p.1).

There has been a shift from technology being seen as male territory but as shown in my survey over half (52.5%) are not even aware of the gender gap of what it is which was really surprising. The book continues to highlight tensions as women are seen as the others/group of outside who are invading a man's world. 

The future may be female after all, with more get into tech programs with big organisations such as Sky. 


Bix, A. 2013. Girls coming to tech! : a history of American engineering education for women. Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press.
