Key Software

Now I am well into the development stage of the project, I thought it would be useful to note the key software I am using in order to help achieve the project. 


Cordova is an open-source mobile development framework. "It allows you to use standard web technologies such as HTML5, CSS and JavaScript for cross-platform development, avoiding each mobile platforms' native development language" (Cordova Apache, 2020). The app is executed in a wrapper with specifically is targeted to each platform and rely on an API to bind access to the device's. The is suitable for my skillset as I have comfortable with building websites but I have never build an app so using Cordova allows me to use my existing skill and programmer languages I know. Also, I challenged myself to build an app as I have never built an app before using new technologies and new languages of using PHP with jQuery/AJAX. 

Cordova also enables you to use plugins and you can use which plugins you want to make use of. Cordova essentially packaged and complies your code ready for distribution in varies App Store portals. The image before helps to visualise the workflow of Cordova: 


Brackets is an open-source code editor I am using to write my code in. "With focused visual tools and preprocessor support, Brackets is a modern text editor that makes it easy to design in the browser. It's crafted from the ground up for web designers and front-end developers" (Brackets, 2020). 


FileZilla is a free software, cross-platform FTP application, combining the client and server. I use FileZilla to transfer my files to the internet so I am available to view it online. 

Terminal (CLI)

The terminal is what I use to access the Command-Line Interface, it processes commands to a computer program in the form of lines of text. You are able to interact with the computers operating systems. 


cPanel is a website hosting service that hosts and manages the server and domain. In cPanel I can use MySQL and phpMyAdmin to create databases and store data for the project. 

Chrome DevTools

Chrome DevTells can be accessed via the chrome browsers and are a set of developer tools to built into the browser. "DevTools can help you edit pages on-the-fly and diagnose problems quickly, which ultimately helps you build better websites, faster" (Google, 2020). 


GitHub provides hosting for software development, it allows you to store your code and any changes you have made by commits. You can easily see how your development and coding has progressed and what you have changed in each commit. I have created a GitHub Repository for my projects and I using the CLI/Terminal to update my GitHub. 

Android Studio/ X Code 

I am using both Android Studio and X code as my app will be available on both android and IOS. I use the emulator/simulators to test the app on the devices and also to review the code. 

To conclude, so far in the project I have learnt so many new things and developed my skills. I have learnt new programming languages and software that are used in the industry. All the key tools and software above are used in conjunction with one another. 


Brackets. 2020. A modern, open source text editor that understands web design. [Online]. [Accessed 11th March 2020]. Available from:

Cordova Apache. 2020. Overview. [Online]. [Accessed 11th March 2020]. Available from: 

Google. 20020. Tools for Web Developers. [Online]. [Accessed 11th March 2020]. Available from: 
