Online Presence

The online presence is the process of drawing and presenting users towards a certain brand. Dunn states that "there is an expectation of online presence of institutions by the community, consumers expect information to be available online" (2010). Codability utilises its social media to present information, engagement, and new on the Codability App. Also, it expands to other content beyond just the application. This is presented through the formats of posts and short animation videos. Codability targets it users through Facebook, Twitter and Instagram and is supported by Women In Tech UK. 

Codability's followers grow by the day, interacting with potential users of the application before it is launched. This has been very successful so far, the marketing has allowed for Codability to tease the application and raise awareness. This links back to the risk assessment of the users potentially not up-taking the application, this step was important to reducing and limiting this risk. 


Dunn, R. 2010. Online presence. SA Orthopaedic Journal, 9(4), pp.6-6. Retrieved from
