Work-In-Progress Presentation

The Work-in-Progress Presentation is an informal review of your work and it is important to keep receiving feedback as the project develops. Therefore, myself and a few peers held a Skype call to complete the formative assessment and get feedback. 

I have been making regular coding commits to GitHub everyday to ensure the project is progressing at a nice pace. I update social media daily on the 100 days of code challenge and follow a set schedule of posts on Monday, Wednesday and Friday I post and Sunday's I post animations. 

Current Stage of Development

The functionality is now complete on the profile section, home page and learn page. I am currently working on the discuss page which includes the forum for users. I have reviewed and updated the Gantt chart so the Application is due to launch in April due to implementing feedback and functionality taking longer than expected. Also, after facing coding problems and terminal errors I felt the Gantt chart needed to be updated to give more time to coding development. 

Presentation Feedback


  • Clear style and consistent, the colours are effective and so is the font 
  • Love the progress bar idea and would be good to potentially have it around in a circle around the profile picture (just as an extra challenge!) 
  • Appealing to users and easy to navigation through the application


  • Over reaching of the project: make sure to focus on the key areas first and do them well before adding extra features
  • Take social media page out and have logo which links to the page - could put at bottom at the bottom of the side navigation
  • Large app project would be great to have all stuff implemented but remove if needed extra bits

In conclusion, the feedback from the Work-in-Progress presentation has been really useful and it was great to also provided feedback for my fellow peers. Going forward, I will be implementing the weaknesses identified. 
