100 Days Of Code

On Codability's social media I have been taking part and encouraging my followers to take part in the 100 Days Of Code Challenge. Today, I reached day 100!

This challenge is popular across the coding community with many sharing what coding they have done everyday. It allows for personal goals to be set and for more coding to be learnt. It allows you to improve your coding abilities, learn something new everyday and improve your confidence when it comes to coding. By using the #100DaysOfCode you are actively taking part in the community and you can publicly share your challenges and see fellow community members challenges and progress.

On reflection of completing this challenge, I found it be very a motivating and engaging way of learning and practising code. By documenting the process it allows you to reflect on how far you have developed with coding abilities. It also, pushes you to make sure you are coding little and often. 

I would recommend this challenge to any coders out there!
