
The Codability forum is one of the key features of the application in order to create an area of the app where users are able to interact by making posts, comments, liking comments and deleting them. It allows to create a community of women coders. In my feedback, the design of the forum needed to be improved. To gain inspiration, I have conducted a SWOT analysis on other popular forum-style application and sites. 



Twitter is simple and easy to use for users both on desktop and mobile. Firstly, the privacy settings available give users the options to have their accounts public or private. Secondly, the character count has a limit of 280 (recently increased from 140) this is advantageous for forcing a user to be concise and thoughtful with their tweets. However, this could also be seen as a disadvantage as is limits what the users if wanting to say and tweet composition. Also, trolling can occur due to anonymity on popular platforms like twitter. 


An opportunity would be to enable users to follow certain hashtags, therefore they can see more content they want. A threat could be that users may not take full advantage of the features such as retweet and favourites due to how they would appear and present themselves to other users as other users may judge them. 

Stack Overflow


Stack Overflow is a popular site for programmers to ask questions, the answers have votes therefore showing get best answer to help solving coding challenges and issues. Another, advantage is that users can help solve coding problems by sharing their knowledge as a wide range of programmers use the site with different experiences and levels. On the other hand, a weakness is you do not have the option to remove a question once published due to users investing time to answer your question. Moreover, there is a competitive culture due to the ratings and possible reputation seekers. 

An opportunity would be to group the questions into different levels beginner, advanced etc . A threat could be that users could provide wrong information and knowledge which could damage the reputation of the site. 



A strength is that Treehouse forum is you can filter by topics to find what you are looking for. Secondly, you are able to search and see the tags in the forum posts. Conversely, a weakness you are unable to like comments or answers to the posts. Also, as it is community driven not all members may know the answers to help other users out. 


An opportunity is there could be different ways on learning implement through not just videos and project but exercises, reading and interactive challenges. A threat could be that not all users my interact with the community forum therefore no answers will be given. 


Stack Overflow. 2020. Forum Page. [Online]. [Accessed 15th April 2020.]. Available from: 

Treehouse. 2020. Community Page. [Online]. [Accessed 15th April 2020]. Available from: 

Twitter. 2020. Women in Tech. [Online]. [Accessed 15th April 2020]. Available from:  
