JavaScript and jQuery

JavaScript & jQuery: Interactive front-end web development by John Duckett (2014) is a key piece of literature I have been using throughout the project. The book teaches how to "make websites more interactive, engaging and useable" (Duckett, 2014), it does this by combining programming theory with examples on popular sites showing how JavaScript and Jquery have been used. 

The book is very visual and teaches the basics in a structured and simple way that is easy to follow. It covers everything from syntax, loops, arrays, forums there is a wide range and lots to learn. By breaking down the areas into section and manageable amounts of code it is easy to take in the information given. My Cordova application is JavaScript-based therefore the content in this book has helped guide me through my coding and informed my project through this literature. 

I would recommend this book to anyone new to learning JavaScript and programming, it is a key resource for coders, as "in no time at all you will be able to think and code like a programmer" (Duckett, 2014). 


Duckett, J., 2014. Javascript and jquery: Interactive front-end web development. Wiley Publishing.
