Phase 2 User Testing


I have conducted phase 2 of user testing to gain feedback for users through user observation. This was done online and via Skype calls where I sent the link to the user to test the app via chrome mobile view. Ideally, I would have sat with the user while they tested the app on the simulator by plugging my phone into the laptop as planned but I adapted to online. 

User Feedback

User 1:

  • Love the style of the quizzes they are easier to follow and I like the fact you can see if the answer is wrong or right straight away and don't have to wait until the end
  • The events page works fantastic, I think the filter by events text needs to be bigger slightly
  • Very easier to login and register with clear design and validation told me to enter a valid password and make sure all fields are filled in
  • It would be good if the comment could appear the newest at the top so you don't have to scroll to the bottom to see if your new comment has been added

User 2: 

  • Really like the use of icons on the notifications page
  • Clear layout for the change password and delete account they both do as expected and functionality works as I tried logging out and back in with the new password
  • The challenges number 3/5 answers come out the card frame slightly
  • Another small detail the triangle is slightly off centre on the home page only a small thing. Can't wait to see the finished product!

User 3:

  • I like that the URL is provided on the resources for further reading 
  • Love the integration of the social media taking you to the Codability social media feeds
  • The use of icons throughout the app makes is visually appealing and easy to follow
  • Would be go to see what question you are currently on e.g 1 out of 7 or some indication when answering the challenges. 
  • A welcome message and info text for users when you first login in on the home page, maybe some explanatory text on some of the other pages too for example the learn page. 


In conclusion, the second phase of testing has been great to see how user interact with the application and to identify anything that needs changing. It was positive to see users knowing exactly how to use the features and clicking on all the things expected. My user made some good observations about the newest comments being add at the top, slight css changes on the home pages and having a indication of what question you are on when completing the quizzes. I will work on this feedback before the final phase of user testing. 
