Prototype Feedback

The prototype feedback was very positive and useful for steering the direction of the project and highlighting the strengths and areas to focus on for the project.

  • Your submission for this assignment is incredibly clear and comprehensive. The PDF document outlines what you have done in great detail, you have provided a range of screen recordings and included all of your source files. This is a really impressive piece of work which demonstrates great professionalism. 
  • Great selection of industry-standard tools to create work and commitment to professional production processes.
  • The social media channels created have a strong sense of brand identity, consistency presented across different platforms with interesting and worthwhile content. 
  • Success implementation of a very good range of interactive and dynamic functionality: account creative, sign-in functionality, interactive quizzes etc. have all been created and these features are essential to the success of the final product.
  • Successfully built the app for a broad range of devices and works consistently across al of them, demonstrating robust implementation. 

Areas for Improvement 
  • The logo design needs developing in over to make it unique to this particular product.
  • Improvement of the interface design decisions eg the persistent navigation system feels rather crushed, the sample ‘HTML basics’ page has a poorly defined visual hierarchy and the ‘discuss’ section feels rather simplistic and features some very small text.
  • Approach to e-learning in final product and how does my project specifically relate to women and technology?
  • Although the animation you have created demonstrates another production skill and is nicely branded, the content could be more engaging. And pushing harder for engagement and presence online. 
Interface Design

The logo has now been updated on the application after testing and making sure it was suitable for the product. 

Moreover, I have now improved the interface design for the discuss page and forum and coding challenge page so the navigation is not crushed. The before and after pictures are as follows:

Discuss Page 

Home Page


As I have been learning JavaScript and new software the coding challenges feature a total of 75 questions which have a single correct answer an effective way of learning code. I would want to go beyond these by having other content and ways of learning code through videos and building mini projects. However, due to being new to the coding language this is something I would realistically not be able to look into in the remaining time with sticking to the Gantt Chart. I will conduct further research to see what I can create with the skills I have learnt since development in JavaScript and jQuery and assess this against the remaining time I have left. 

Women and Technology

The product relates to Women and Technology specific through the events, discuss and learn page. The events pages links events for coding and women in tech events for the users to attend. The discuss page holds a forum to create a community of women coders and allows for people to share ideas with like-minded people. The learn page holds articles and tips for coding, women in tech and female empowerment. In light of this feedback, I have created a "Women In Tech" tab in the settings via the hamburger menu. This aims to get women to write 5 things on their to-do list which will improve their skills and employability. 

Social Media

I have reached out to women in tech who have been interacting with Codability and sharing the application among their community to increase engagement. Also, in order to increase engaged I have decided to use AR technology to create filter for Codability which will be available for users to use on Facebook and Instagram through Spark AR Studio. I will also be holding a competition a week before the app is due to launch to increase users and get people involved and excited by the launch of the app. 
