App Launch

On the 12th of May 2020 the app was launch at 11:00am and the URL made available for users to see and access the application on. 

An animation was posted at 11:00am announcing the app as prior to this event I set up a countdown which made users turn notifications on for on Instagram. I also hosted a live Q&A for users to ask questions about the app, Codability and women in tech in general. This was very successful with many users sending in their questions, I added them all to a highlight labelled "Q&A" for users to rewatch and look over. 

Originally, I wanted to be able to host the app on the app/play store however due to some technical challenges and parts of the app being hard coded and functionality missing in some places it would have not been a good idea to do this. Also, being able to launch it and pay for the hosting on the app would have been another factor to look into. 

Overall, I had a really positive response from the launch of Codability and many direct messages about the app with positive feedback. 
