Coding Challenges

The feedback I got from the prototype inspired me to do some more research into the coding challenges available on apps. I identified three main competitors at the start of the project: Mimo, Codecademy Go and SoloLearn. Therefore, I decided to look into the structure and style of their coding challenges. 


Mimo's coding challenges allow you to unlock different levels and is split into different areas. It shows the progress of each section at the bottom via the progress bar and any streaks you have in the top right corner. You can only move onto the next challenge when completing the first one as the second is greyed out currently.

Codecademy Go

Codecademy's Go coding challenges allow you to click and drag certain elements to complete the challenges in a linear flow. You can click on any of the available section and follow the process the same.


SoloLearn's coding challenges are through interactive courses and they have an indication of your progress at the top. You drag the box into the correct order and press the check button, you can't move onto the next challenge until you have completed the currently one. Therefore, if you get stuck there are hints available. 

Codability coding challenge are through the forms of interactive quizzes, they tell the user straight away if the answer is wrong or right instead of waiting the end of the quiz to find out. The questions have been coded they away randomly every time. They are split into 3 sections: HTML basics, CSS basic and JavaScript basics with a total of 75 questions in total. After conducting further research it would be good to include a progress bar to indicate what questions they are on this was only noted by a user during the user observation testing phase. I proposed in my pitch documents I wanted to create a progress bar to track progress, have rewards for the users and to be able to unlock the challenges by having them greyed out however I have not yet managed to code these features so it works yet. 


Mimohello GmbH. 2019. Mimo: Learn to Code. (version 4.1) [Mobile app]. [Accessed 3rd May 2020]. 

Ryzac, Inc. 2019. Codecademy Go (version 1.9) [Mobile app]. [Accessed 3rd May 2020]. 

SoloLearn Inc. 2019. SoloLearn: Learn to Code. (version 3.1.0) [Mobile app]. [Accessed 3rd May 2020]. 
