Evaluation and the future of Codability


Overall, I am very pleased with the project and what I have managed to produce. I have been able to develop my skills and learn new software and coding languages in order to produce this project. 


I was lucky to work with an external partner "Women in Tech" who provided survey data and feedback with aspects of the project. I have had some great responses to the marketing on social media, the Codability filter and the app in general. I am very pleased to have got the application working on both IOS and Android platforms. I am also happy with the amount of functionality I got to work on the application, it was my first time using AJAX, JavaScript and jQuery and making it interact with PHP and the database was a challenge I managed to overcome. 

There were some features of the project I did not get the chance to implement and areas I would want to improve on. The coding quizzes for users to be able to unlock and have a progress tracker in place to track your coding progress. Also, to have a section to learn the code from video tutorials and information before so then users are able to complete the quizzes after. Moreover, I wanted to implement like and delete comments features and reply to comments would have been really useful for users too. The upload image, preferences and notifications were other functionality features I wanted to implement. 

What I would have done differently

The process of building this app has taught me many things and if completing the project again I would have done a few things differently. 

At the beginning of the project I had very minimal knowledge on JavaScript/jQuery and I went into the project with many features I wanted to implement. If I was starting the project again I would go into the project with a better overview and understanding of the software and technicality. Also, ideally I want to publish the application to the app/play store however due to the cost and the hard coding of features and wanting to implement more functionality it wouldn't have been a great idea to do this. However, I want to revisit the application and implement these features and publish it one day. 


In conclusion, I am very happy with what I have achieved and using skills I have learnt throughout my degree and bringing them into the final year project. I am also happy with the amount of software, coding and skills I have managed to learn over the past year of completing the module. 
