Final Phase User Testing


I have conducted the final phase of user testing now the product is complete to get feedback on the users final thoughts of the app and other supporting materials. For this, I conducted user observation followed by a short survey.

User Feedback

User 1:

  • Very easy to navigate the application
  • The interface design is clear and visually appealing
  • Great colour scheme and useful to have social media links
What do you think the aim of the app is? 

The aim of the app is to bring women coders together and get more women into tech by learning coding basics. 

Who do you think the target audience is of this app? 

Women who aspire to get into the tech industry or want to learn a new skill

What is your favourite feature of the app and why?

I love the quizzes on the home page as they were fun to complete and test learning.

What would you improve on the app?

Getting notifications and updates when new content is added. 

User 2:

  • Love that you can filter and search coding events in your area
  • The resources are super useful and I love the linking to the tips Codability suggested on their social media
  • The profile functionality works really well too
What do you think the aim of the app is? 

To teach coding basics in a interactive way

Who do you think the target audience is of this app? 

Definitely women/girls!

What is your favourite feature of the app and why?

I love that you can filter the events depending on your location so you know what coding events are happening in the area. Good to meet with other users if they are planning to attended too.

What would you improve on the app?

The resources to maybe display a picture and the URL to be clickable. 

User 3: 

  • The forum is a great idea for bringing the women coding community together
  • I like the to-do list feature very useful 
  • The quizzes were clear and fun to complete

What do you think the aim of the app is? 

To boost women's confidence in their abilities and provide a platforms for them to learn code and interact with others.

Who do you think the target audience is of this app? 

Women who don't have any coding knowledge who want to give it a go

What is your favourite feature of the app and why?

It has to be the discuss page to talk to other users and the community asking questions about code and sharing thoughts/experiences. Also, I do love the to-do list idea so we are consciously seeing and adding stuff that will help us get into tech.  

What would you improve on the app?

To be able to reply to other users comments and like them. 


On reflection, the final phase of user testing was a great way to conclude the project. It was great to get some final feedback on what users thought of the application and it's completed design and functionality. The feedback given were features I already were aware and wanted to feature. It has been great to get users input through the development of the app, it has helped to guide the direction and make valuable improvements for the users. I would love to revisit and add these features in the future. 
