Spark AR Studio

In my first blog post "initial idea" I highlighted I would like to look into Augmented Reality (AR) software and technology for the project. In order to increase social engagement from the feedback from my prototype I decided to create my own Codability filter which is available on the social media platforms. For this, I found and experimented with Spark AR Studio which states "expand your digital creative skills. Learn the ins and outs of building augmented reality effects with step-by-step guides and video tutorials" (Spark AR Studio, 2020). 

Augmented reality is an interface experience where objects that exist in the real world are enhanced by technology. "AR represents the cutting edge of modern society's social technological development" (Yuen et al., 2011, p.123). Ludwig and Reimann (2005) discuss in this article the potential AR applications fall into three main categories: (a) presentation and visualisation, (b) industry, and (c) edutainment. When developing an AR application this is something to think about which categories your product will fit within as it helps to focus your target audience. For example, the Codability filter is presentation and visualisation. In reflection, the filter has proven to be popular with over 1k viewing it already and 218 captures. 


Spark AR Studio. 2020. Brand new features. [Online]. [Accessed 4th May 2020]. Available from: 

Yuen, S.C.Y., Yaoyuneyong, G. and Johnson, E. 2011. Augmented reality: An overview and five directions for AR in education. Journal of Educational Technology Development and Exchange4(1), pp.119-140.
