Supervisor Meetings Part 2

21st January: Meeting 5

This meeting consisted of catching up on my progress and talking about the prototype what is expected, what should be submitted for this deadlines. As development has now begun this is the first piece of assessed work on the development to technically show you can meet the requirements expected. For this, I plan to complete by login and register for account creation, coding quizzes on the home page and set up all other pages also to code the side navigation, navigation bar with icons and notifications. Then to test and demonstrate it working on IOS, Android, browser and on a hand held device. 

4th February: Meeting 6 with Chris Birchall

I had a meeting with Chris Birchall to get help on the coding of the application and getting it to work on a simulator so I could seen recording the application working. This was very useful to get feedback on my coding of the app and overcome the errors I was having. 

3rd March: Meeting 7

As the app is well under development now, I ran into multiple coding errors therefore I got advice from Chris Birchall on this via email. I have been using and posting on Stack Overflow to overcome any issues too. Key points from the email were to parse the JSON for the JSON-encoded array of comments. I converted the array to a JSON format so in the HTML page receiving the data by AJAX I could then parse this and update the HTML with the new comment. As I am new to coding in JavaScript/jQuery this was something key to take note of. Also, I want to use API's to dynamically fetch data from the Eventbrite site however due to the recent updates this was no possible. There, the advice from Chris was to have a database of events which I could manually populate and draw from in my app. Therefore, I will now implement this on the learn and events page of the application. 

19th April: Meeting 9

I updated my supervisor via email and got some feedback on my project and blog so far. I have made good strides with the app. Keep thinking about the audience all the time for example, the question (which are great) perhaps could have some more visual feedback (other than a green box) with a correct result eg "Congrats" that's the right answer. 

Overall, it has been really important to maintain communicate and contact with my supervisor and teachers. This has help to constantly gain feedback and direction for the project and guidance. 
