
Showing posts from February, 2020

Feedback from UX Designer

In order to develop my project so it can be the best, it can be it is important to gain feedback from professionals and potential users of the Codability App. Therefore, I contacted a UX Designer within my network Alex Edwards. She gave me some insightful feedback and things to think about going forward.   1. Revisit the logo this something I have now revisited from the pitch document feedback and need to update on the application. Alex brought up a good point that the logo looks clickable and the users I am trying to target could have a similar experience.  2. Accessibility this is something I definitely wanted my app to have covered which I plan to revisit once the app has progressed further. The colour contrast on the events page needs to be changed so it doesn't make it difficult for the user to read the text. 3. The presentation of my JPGs - this is helpful when it comes to the final presentation and submission of work. Alex also pointed out my URL which has now

Phase 1 User Testing

Introduction To ensure my product is on the right track and is meeting the aims and objectives, I have conducted phase 1 of user testing to gain feedback from my potential users and to see how users respond to the application so far. I therefore conducted a short survey of 5 question with 3 users.  User Feedback  User 1: Q1. How engaging do you find the app? The sections are all clear in the navigation, I love the colour palette and coding quizzes.  Q2. Do you think the content/functionality is clear and relevant?  Yes, I especially love the discuss page to talk to other coders and the learn page for relevant coding content.  Q3. What are you thoughts on the interface design? The design is bright clear and engaging. The text is small on the forum makes it hard to read. Q4.  Is there any improvements to the app you would like to make? I think just make the text size bigger on the discuss page.  Q5. Any additional comments would be appreciated.  I think this app


Feminism is the belief in the equality of the sexes and the advocacy of women's rights. They believe in ideologies such as equal pay, reducing the gender gap in tech, have the same rights and opportunities as men.  The Feminist Movement The Feminist Movement refers to political campaigns and movements among nations and communities which fight for women's suffrage, sexual harassment, reproductive rights, maternity leave, and equal pay. Feminism in the Western World has undergone three waves.  The first wave occurred in the 19th and early 20th century, it promoted equal rights to vote and the property rights for women and the granted of women's voting rights.  The second wave occurred in the 1960s-1980s and focused on issues on equality, power, and discrimination.  The third wave occurred in the 1990s and continues to build upon the work and continue the fight. "This wave is about acceptance and a true understanding of the term 'feminism'" (Progressive W

Market Analysis

It is important to understand the market your product is about to enter and gathering information about the market place and conditions that affect a marketplace will be useful for when launching my application.  Know your market  I have analysed competitors who have a similar app to Codability however there are also organisations who have a similar goal and target audience as Codability. These are Girls Who Code, Code First Girls and Women Who Code. Girls Who Code Girls Who Code is a non-profit organisation which aims to support and increase the number of women in computer science. They aim to do this by equipping women with the necessary computing skills to pursue a career in tech. "Girls Who Code is an international non-profit organisation working to close the gender gap in technology by teaching girls computer science, bravery, and sisterhood. Our free programming is now available in the UK" (Girls Who Code, 2020).  Code First Girls  Code First Girls is a

Social Media

Social Media is an effective way of marketing and advertising the app to my target audience. I conducted a poll to find out what social media platforms my target audience use the most and looked at what platforms Women In Tech are already using for engagement. The platforms I will be using are Instagram, Facebook and Twitter to market the app. I set up the social media on the of 25th January in order to do some teaser marketing and to promote the name "Codability" before the app launches as more people will search to app/play store, therefore, increasing the number of downloads and users.  I post on social media daily and weekly to engage and interact with the audience. After doing some research into social media in particular hashtag I found the trend and hashtag #100DaysOfCode.  There are two main rules to the challenge  1. Code minimum an hour every day for the next 100 days 2. Post and share your progress every day with the hashtag #100DaysOfCode "Important

International Day of Women and Girls in Science 2020

The International Day of Women and Girls in Science is the 11th of February, this day recognises the critical role women and girls play in science and technology.  On the 22nd of December 2015, the General Assembly established an annual International Day to recognise and appreciate the role of women and girls in science and technology. This day is an opportunity to promote equality and show that their participation should be strengthened. " Gender equality is a global priority for UNESCO, and the support of young girls, their education and their full ability to make their ideas heard are levers for development and peace" (UNESCO, 2020).  Many posts on social media where made using the hashtag #InternationalWomenInScienceDay. Women In Tech made a post which Codability features in their story and highlight on Instagram and on Twitter. Also, Codability shared their own post on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to show their support as this day links with what the project i

Pitch Document Feedback

Strengths  The introduction to the project (page 3) is very good. It is well-written, enthusiastic and cites relevant sources to substantiate your arguments. The overview on the following page is also very helpful, although it could be more clear how the app is targeted towards women. It is great that you have an external partner for the project and outlining their contribution in the pitch document was a very good idea. The project aim (page 6) is very clear and concise (although it might have been more effective to specify “breaking down  learning to  code”).The project objectives (also on page 6) are very good too. You have clearly considered the stages involved in making this project a success and presented them very effectively. It is great to see that user research is already informing the design and development of this project (page 10). However, you could have more clearly identified the communities amongst which the survey was distributed and the sample size.