
Showing posts from April, 2020

Phase 2 User Testing

Introduction I have conducted phase 2 of user testing to gain feedback for users through user observation. This was done online and via Skype calls where I sent the link to the user to test the app via chrome mobile view. Ideally, I would have sat with the user while they tested the app on the simulator by plugging my phone into the laptop as planned but I adapted to online.  User Feedback User 1: Love the style of the quizzes they are easier to follow and I like the fact you can see if the answer is wrong or right straight away and don't have to wait until the end The events page works fantastic, I think the filter by events text needs to be bigger slightly Very easier to login and register with clear design and validation told me to enter a valid password and make sure all fields are filled in It would be good if the comment could appear the newest at the top so you don't have to scroll to the bottom to see if your new comment has been added User 2:  Reall

Prototype Feedback

The prototype feedback was very positive and useful for steering the direction of the project and highlighting the strengths and areas to focus on for the project. Strengths  Your submission for this assignment is incredibly clear and comprehensive. The PDF document outlines what you have done in great detail, you have provided a range of screen recordings and included all of your source files. This is a really impressive piece of work which demonstrates great professionalism.   Great selection of industry-standard tools to create work and commitment to professional production processes. The social media channels created have a strong sense of brand identity, consistency presented across different platforms with interesting and worthwhile content.  Success implementation of a very good range of interactive and dynamic functionality: account creative, sign-in functionality, interactive quizzes etc. have all been created and these features are essential to the success of


The Codability forum is one of the key features of the application in order to create an area of the app where users are able to interact by making posts, comments, liking comments and deleting them. It allows to create a community of women coders. In my feedback, the design of the forum needed to be improved. To gain inspiration, I have conducted a SWOT analysis on other popular forum-style application and sites.  Twitter Strengths /Weaknesses  Twitter is simple and easy to use for users both on desktop and mobile. Firstly, the privacy settings available give users the options to have their accounts public or private. Secondly, the character count has a limit of 280 (recently increased from 140) this is advantageous for forcing a user to be concise and thoughtful with their tweets. However, this could also be seen as a disadvantage as is limits what the users if wanting to say and tweet composition. Also, trolling can occur due to anonymity on popular platforms like twitter. 

100 Days Of Code

On Codability's social media I have been taking part and encouraging my followers to take part in the 100 Days Of Code Challenge. Today, I reached day 100! This challenge is popular across the coding community with many sharing what coding they have done everyday. It allows for personal goals to be set and for more coding to be learnt. It allows you to improve your coding abilities, learn something new everyday and improve your confidence when it comes to coding. By using the #100DaysOfCode you are actively taking part in the community and you can publicly share your challenges and see fellow community members challenges and progress. On reflection of completing this challenge, I found it be very a motivating and engaging way of learning and practising code. By documenting the process it allows you to reflect on how far you have developed with coding abilities. It also, pushes you to make sure you are coding little and often.  I would recommend this challenge to any coder

JavaScript and jQuery

JavaScript & jQuery: Interactive front-end web development by John Duckett (2014) is a key piece of literature I have been using throughout the project. The book teaches how to "make websites more interactive, engaging and useable" (Duckett, 2014), it does this by combining programming theory with examples on popular sites showing how JavaScript and Jquery have been used.  The book is very visual and teaches the basics in a structured and simple way that is easy to follow. It covers everything from syntax, loops, arrays, forums there is a wide range and lots to learn. By breaking down the areas into section and manageable amounts of code it is easy to take in the information given. My Cordova application is JavaScript-based therefore the content in this book has helped guide me through my coding and informed my project through this literature.  I would recommend this book to anyone new to learning JavaScript and programming, it is a key resource for coders, as &q